New beginnings

I have always had the soul of a writer. I have fond memories of reveling in school essay assignments and secretly enjoyed the anguish of birthing a story onto pages, giving it life blood, only to proclaim its worthlessness days later. Over the past 15 years however my original fiction has remained in my dreams, deemed unproductive.  I have steered back towards the written word as a way to add structure and most of all, clear reflection on the priorities in my life today. These are, in order of importance; mountain biking, health/ fitness, and massage therapy.

I recently regained my focus on competition as a life source in the field of mountain biking.  Sadly, I am stationed in southern Indiana, a stones throw away from Kentucky where there are … no mountains.  Perhaps cross-country riding is more accurate though I have only ridden over 30 miles a few times. What is most critical for you to know is that I ride on trails, on my full suspension Specialized Epic that weighs 25 lbs, preferably over multiple rocks, roots, tree branches, and up and down short, steep hills.  Riding is half of what I do, the other half is racing.

By trade I am a massage therapist, a bodyworker, a manual therapist as I prefer.  I am most passionate about Orthopedic Massage and am focused on working with athletes to heal their bodies and maintain muscular balance despite the destructive positions of endurance sports.  This is where my never ending quest for health and fitness information fits in. Just because I have a body, does not mean I know how to use it or care for it. I am forever amazed at the ignorance that exists in my clients, though I do my best not to insult their intelligence because it wasnt that long ago that I followed ‘popular health care’ too.

Of course it’s the off-season so biking posts will be limited to reminiscence. I will be riding and training however, and my focus on racing will become intensified again at the turn of the new year. Meanwhile I will figure out how to blog efficiently, and decipher the formula to make this fulfill my needs while providing readers with interesting time-wasting material.

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